Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Geta, good times and sun

Good days and spring. Noticed the lack of writing from me the last days? Well, the sun shines and I am in a swell mood. That's things that I don't write much about. But I will sort of today, or at least something realated and inspired by it. Because I walked through Oslo today, as I was on my way to a coffeeappointment with my cousin. Walking there, with my music in my earplugs and the sun in my back, I realized how different it all seemed from walking there the day before and I started to reflect on the city's different personalities. The sounds, the smells, the people. It is all a part of a city, and today they all went together and gave their most to making a beautifull day. It is no big deal, really, however it is amazing how such a seemingly unimportant thing can lighten up a day. Uhm, that is about all I'd like to share right now. Now everybody knows I'm not dead at least.

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