Monday, April 16, 2007

Impressions on a Saturday.

 I walk out from the darkness of an underground-station and step into the square in front of the theatre. The square is bathed in a warming sunlight that gives of a nice feel of spring. Some trees gives of an aura of life that builds up under the already good feeling shared by the people on this square. People give eachother hugs as they probably haven't seen each other in quite a while. The square is one of the easiest place to meet people if the don't know the city so well. I see all this as I walk across the stones..... I seriously need a hug.

We sit around the table, drinking steadily. The talk and the laughter fills the not to big room. I pour another glass of beverage for myself, and obviously three others as they all raise their glasses in anticipation and looks at me. I pour it up for them as well. We raise our cups and drink, the taste of honey and liquer in unison travels through the body. I'm with friends.

One foot in front of the other. Come on body, this is not so hard, I know you can do it. Ooooh, baked-potato-stand, I gotta have me one of those. Potato is really good, but a bit messy. What the heck, food is food. Everybody dissappeares all the sudden, walking of to Nikoniko they say. Well that serves as an excuse for me to put on some music. Helps getting my ears warm again to. Crap, lost 20 kroners while trying to change track. Fumbling, fumbling, fumbling, found it! The walk can continue. Oooh, grass, I can lie in that and drink Coke. The stars are really beautifull. How long have I been watching the stars? Probably much longer than I think, better call Lasse. Meets up with Lasse. Movie sounds like a good idea.

As I get close to home I notice through the wall of music and thoughts that it is getting light outside. Sunrays are forcing themselves over the top of that hill way over on the other side of the city. True enough, the stars I was watching earlier are fading rapidly as their light must give way for the closest star of the all. I stop for a short while and just peer over where the dawn is coming. It's actually quite beautifull. I can't remember the last time I watched dawn come, if I ever watched it that is. How come I'm always alone when these things occur?

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Let it be known that as I write this I am inches away from inconciousness by exhaustion. The reason be lack of drink, food and the heavy bodily strain I have put on my body for the last hours. Of course as I am writing this I am also correction this so that I hopefully can function for yet some other hours. I'm just to friggin' happy to sleep now. I have just reached home after the most awesome concert I have ever been to. That perhaps not saying much as I have been to very few concerts in my life, however this was an experience out of this world. I am of course refering to the Nine Inch Nails concert that just ended in Sentrum Scene in Oslo. I am a huge fan andthus, seeing them live, getting their water splashed on me and etcetera, was a true kick. Hmm, starting at the beginning perhaps. We arrived half an hour before the doors opened and of course, already people had started to stand in line. The common t-shirtsellers and black-market ticketmen marched around, I think they had a hard time though. NIN-people do NOT sell their tickets and the tickets were sold out only hours after sale. Lucky I even got one. Anyways, we got in, realized that we had absolutely no money at all so we couldn't get official t-shirts, and settled down almost in front of the scene. There we stayed. A band named Ladytron was warmup-band and they did their job for sure. Espacially awesome was their song "He Took Her To A Movie". But enough about them, they were cool enough but only the warmupband after all. After the warmup I got sorta known with this guy, totally NIN-fan and really psyked up for the concert. We talked for a while and he actully managed to stay only a couple of feet away from me through the entire ordeal. And that is saying a lot as the pushing and pulling was, as expected, very intense. I worked up a sweat pretty fast, but then again, so did everyone else. I feel really sorry for the short people there, having to breathe that air..... Well, I'm tall, tough luck. During the concert we almost made it to the front so I guess I should shut up and be content about that, and they played most of my favourite songs, in fact there was only one song I missed and that is good when coming to think of it. Could have been a lot more. I think the peak of the concert was when "Hurt" was played. Man, I just, I dunno, but it was great. At the end they did the obligatory guitar-smashing and of course the drumstick-tossing, and guess what, I got one. I reached out, grabbed a stick and held it firmly till all the others were forced to let go. Not the worst end of a rather perfect night I dare say. Now I have written, consumed about 2.5 liters of fluid and eaten some noodles, freshly imported. Or something like that. Of to bed. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Pink flowers and insanity

Pieces of a life

I strolled down the main street of Oslo one day, as I tend to do and suddendly I smelt this beautifull perfume. I've probably smelt it before but this time it struck me, and I fell in love. It does not matter in who, I just enjoyed the feeling till it came to an end and none of those pesky inconveniences that follow falling in love bothered me. I did after all not fall in love with anybody that could push those on me, I only fell in love with the smell. I've done it several other times after that and it keeps giving me the same pleasant tingling sensation.

I burned it again..... This of course means that I must learn to pay attention to my cooking when I make dinner. Though then again, the taste sort of grows on you. Which reminds me that I really long for homemade pizza...... REALLY.

Lan got drunk and fell on a fire....which is a really dumb thing to do. She lives to tell the tale though, no harm done. Got quite happy myself, it was not half bad.

I've changed my mind, the taste doesn't grow on you, it just tastes horrible. Such a waste throwing it away though. Hopefully the chicken tastes better................. It does.