Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Door

The Ice rushes forward towards the massive doorway hoping to reach past it before it finds the time to close. Having been created from form the chill of loneliness, sadness and pain, its only purpose is freezing that which is beyond the doorway. Madly it chases, as before, intent on making it this time. The door creaks and starts to close, slowly at first but picking up the pace, making it a race between the ice and the door. The ice slams to the fine worked door just as i closes and has to see itself beaten once more. Furious it freezes all that is around it. Slowly, very slowly it thawes, except for som places; the keyholes. Each keyholde frozen solid, above it a name; the name of the ones holding those specific keys. A new keyhole have appeared with the others, and with it a new name. One can still its freshness and judging by the amount of ice in and around it, it was a finely crafted key. The ice presses on, trying to get through the keyholes, but as of still they are too few for it to have an effect. The door however is affected; the iced keyholes affect the opening mechanism of the door, each one slightly more, making it harder to open.

Monday, July 21, 2008


I'm alone again, it's never easy, it's never "just" a breakup. Curse the world, curse whatever's wrong with me, and most of all: curse all the persons leading me to this. This potential madness, this dark mind, this ice of the heart. Never before have I felt such an urge to seal myself in ice, only to watch the world speed by through a layer of frozen carelessness. What manner of bad fortune have cursed me to relive this torment time and again. My sins were never many and never dire, yet I pay tenfold, nay thousandfold for them. Even the ones I never comitted. Is this the price for being born me? Is this what I must go through to amuse the gods of fate? I spit my curses over this wasteland of humanity as I craft a shell of pure me. Nothing gets between me and me.

....Brooding in the Darkness

I'm sitting in the darkness, brooding for myself, thinking dark thoughts reflecting my even darker mood. In my inner eye all people I look at die, by my hand. Not because I really want to kill anyone, it's just that kind of mood. And when I see her picture I cannot distinguish any details, my eyes veiled over by tears and my inner eye covered in oily black. I cry out to the darkness with the voice of a dreadfull silence, my heart trying to beat away the oncoming frost, while the mind spirals inward in a whirlpool of despair. I lose myself in the moments, letting them patch over each other, time slipping like it's having trouble deciding where it was at. I close my eyes and let all color flow away, I shut my mind and draw a great breath, sucking up all the corruption and bad air I can hold. I fall backwards, hoping that noone will ever catch me.