Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My way

But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up, and spat it out. I faced it all, and I stood tall, and did it my way.
Soon I'll be older..... one year, nah, doesn't feel like it. There, that is all I want to say about that as for now. I became happy once more today. All I seem to need these days are a few well placed words from some special someones and I'm suddendly on the boat for happyland. I don't mind though. I'm not a buddhist so ups and downs are expected. Now I finally got myself an up. If my trip to Japan also makes for an up, I'll probably have made up for having had such a downperiod the last year. Just now I'm watching tv, wondering if the kid in the commercial is really a boy or a girl. Now I'll drink again, I'm like a camel, goes long without drinking and when I first do, It's buttloads. Good night.


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