Monday, February 1, 2010

Insanity Diety

Ancient world had deities for almost everything imaginable. Hel is the Goddess for insanity in the ancient norse mythology, and also death and disease. In ancient times insanity was a horrible thing. Now things have changed, maybe to the worse, maybe to the better. Either way around it's now the only known cure for the everyday madness. That in itself is both insane and perfectly logical at the same time, for truly, who could live this life without a little insanity to trim the edges of reality into a more agreeable reality where things are far from as grim as they could be. This being said there are probably plenty of people out there who are able to do just that. I am not however among those, I am mad as a hatter, and yet not. It is no longer an insanity if you are able to determine exactly what is wrong with your view of the world, for the second you realize that this view is wrong you are cured of said insanity as you no longer hold a wrong view. Unless of course you see your errors perfectly clear as wrong, but refuse to realize it; preferring to keep said insanity rather than stepping into the real world. More often than not I think insanities should be left alone. Better being blind than depressed at any given time right? And all this of course is just pure rubbish, written to satisfy my own insanity of course.

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