Sunday, May 13, 2007

Yay I write stuff. Why you say? So that the public can enjoy their tv-dinners without having to think, so that presidents can keep getting elected without having anything constructive to bring into the world, so that religious people can keep on believing that they come to a heaven, so that decapitated chickens can keep running in circles..... That sure was harsh, I should perhaps not compare religious people with decapitated chickens? Well it was a spur of the moment thing and now it's in there. Only way back now is if I delete the entire blog and we all see that THAT didn't happen. But then again how many true believers is left in the world to be offended anyways? So hamburgers, that's what I wanted to talk about. Funny meat is it not? Claiming to be pork but hey, it's not a piece of ham at all, it is grounded beef. Cow, not pig as promised. Hehehe, that sure is funny. *chirp chirp* Ok you got me, I really have nothing to write about, I'm just writing to be writing. Which is really stupid since I should be preparing for my exams. I wanna hear Sira sing again, the little bugger sings better than she wishes to admit. Perhaps I'll try to make possible a visit agian. Cloud sure has spiky hair.....this is getting very silly so I'll end it here. 

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