Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Make sense dammit!

"You!" I said and pointed a blaming finger at the hooded man who stood examining him. The hooded man, we shall call him: "W" for short, stood before me, bathed in a light so bright I could not for all my trying see his face. I blamed W for everthing, and nothing, feeling so sure in my guts he was the one responsible for all the missdeeds in the world. A world of blame and curses flooded over him like an avalanche. However, from every bad word W recieved he seemed as unaffected as only the truly emotionless ones can. And he grew, or so I thought. Later I have come to the conclusion that it was I that shrank. Regardless, W was now not only unaffected and unrecognisable, he was also bigger than me. So I became scared and cast away all thought of blame and hid instead. W found me every time without having looked for me, or even moved. Silently I cursed him for exicsting, and I was undone.
Nice little rant eh? Make sense out of it and I'll happily shave your back for a nickle! (unrelated reference) I need a shower and sleep.

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