Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Don't dream it, be it

"Give yourself over to absolute pleasure 
Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh 
Erotic nightmares beyond any measure 
and sensual daydreams to treasure forever 
Can't you just see it?

don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it
don't dream it, be it"
Have you ever sat down to specify what your dream is? If so, have you ever just told the world to fuck itself and pursued it? I thought not, cuz who ever has the guts to do that? That fucks up everything don't it? And that's probably why it's still a dream. But what if? What if all the dream needed was for you to be it? All that was left was that little push? Many a man has pondered upon this topic many a times, and more often than not the thematic has become mostly polluted by love, sex, relationships and whatnot. Polluted of course in the sense that all the other dreams have been pushed back, obscured or forgotten. But now is the time for all dreams, no matter the form, function or intention; it doesn't matter. Tell yourself your dream and be it. "Don't dream it, be it"

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Opinions are funny things. There are currently thousands, if not millions, of people who's pissed off because they dissagree with whom gets awarded the nobel peace price. Here is where I start to think, who decides who gets to win this famed price? The answer is sadly: 5 politicians. So my conclusion on this is that a buttload of people are really moved by the fact that 5 people have an opinion that doesn't match theirs. And yet I am the crazy one for not giving a shit about these 5 peoples' opinions. Funny world this.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ramblings of a drunk wanderer

This is going to be a slight repetition of the "Fuck All" blog as that is the red line in my life more and more often, sadly. I find myself in a mood that can be described as nothing less than downright pissed of. Why? Because of this web of lies people seem to find mandatory for more or less everything and everyone. It pisses me off every time I have to find out, usually by myself, that I've been screwed over in one sense or another. Sure I am somewhat gullible; deriving from some sort of mad sense that there must be good poeple left in this world, but why must it always be exploited? Why can I not find the one who sees my gullibility as one of the few last stands of honesty and good nature in this here world and cherish me for it rather than punish? Can there not be relief for the tired wanderer who just want to rest? Or is this world barren for one like myself; able and willing to share my soul as it is, flawed and inperfect, naughty and full of life, wild and yet so tame? And what is the very most sad thing about this blog? That my conclusion is that I should stop writing stuff when I have drunk Whisky... So there you have it.